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Edgbarrow School

Physical Education


The PE Department is committed to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum of activities that sequence from learning the core skills in Year 7 to implementing tactics and strategies at Year 9. We offer a holistic approach to provide learners with a well-rounded curriculum offer, this is delivered through a combination of outstanding teaching and learning, positive relationships and personal development. We are proud to offer an extensive range of co-curricular activities and fixtures across the week in which we have a great attendance, commitment and attitudes from our students.

In PE we aim to promote physical literacy in which our students are motivated and confident. They will develop their physical competency, knowledge and understanding to provide them with the movement foundation for lifelong participation in physical activity.

With the nature of PE being a practical subject, we want to show students how skills and knowledge learned in PE can help them in their everyday life through a concept curriculum and not see PE as ‘just’ playing sport. We help students retain knowledge and skills through our practical delivery (including theory lessons).

Key Staff

Mr Johnson - Head of Department
Mr Fisher - Head of Boys PE
Miss Madzelewski - Head of Girls PE
Mrs McClatchie
Miss Kadodia
Mr Dangerfield
Mr Ashby
Mrs Kilcoyne

Key Stage 3


In Key Stage 3 PE we aim to develop the skills for ALL young people to become holistic learners whilst improving physical literacy and supporting physical, mental & social well-being as well as inspire a love of sport, enjoyment and lifelong participation.

After an initial induction period in Year 7, PE is taught in sets dependent on ability throughout Key Stage 3. Generally, these are single-gender groups but some sets are of mixed gender. Students receive 2 hour-long lessons per week covering a broad and balanced curriculum and in line with the recommendations of the National Curriculum. The emphasis of lessons at this level is to maximise interest in sport and physical activity, broaden students’ knowledge and understanding of the importance of an active lifestyle.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map

Assessment Banding

Students will follow national guidelines throughout Key Stage 3 to support and prepare them for their Key Stage 4 courses. The school operates a banding system of 1-9 (9 being the highest band). Students will be given a target based on their Key Stage 2 scores and baseline assessments on arrival at Edgbarrow. The band they are awarded at the end of the Key Stage is intended to be indicative of the grade they may achieve at GCSE.

FOR YEAR 7 & 8 ONLY: We have recently changed the way in which we track progress in Key Stage 3. The new format is currently in operation with Year 7 and 8 only. In each individual subject, students are given one of three progress bands: foundation, intermediate and higher. These bands are based on Key Stage 2 scores, as well as evidence gathered by class teachers. Throughout Key Stage 3, students will be judged to be meeting, exceeding or below expectations for their given band. The headline criteria for each of these bands can be found below, as well as a short presentation explaining the new assessment and reporting format.

Key Stage 3 Assessment Video

Summary Curriculum Plans

Non-participant policy
All students are expected to change in all PE lessons. Even when unable to participate in the practical aspect of lessons we have alternative ways in which students can be included and engage within the lesson. Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather or activity. A note or email is to be given to a PE teacher prior to the lesson.

Spare kit is washed after every use and students are expected to change if kit is forgotten. Students with missing kit or incorrect kit (without a note) will receive a warning, second time will be a D1 (10-minute detention) and a third time will be a D2, this will be 20 minutes held at lunch or after school and a D3 will be 30 minutes during lunch or after school. This is reset every half term.

Key Stage 4


Core PE
In Core PE we aim to support physical, mental & social well-being as well as encourage healthy, active lifestyles whilst promoting lifelong participation in exercise through physical literacy.

We aim to:

  • educate against sedentary lifestyles
  • encourage the recommended hours of exercise per week
  • inspire a love and enjoyment of physical activity 

Examination PE
To provide students with the practical and theoretical knowledge of the ever-changing world of the sporting society and physical activity, develop appropriate skills and attributes to go out into sporting industries to be successful employees and leaders whilst promoting physical, social and mental well-being and lifelong participation. 

Core PE
At Key Stage 4 students have two hour-long lessons a week. Students are taught in ability groups and are encouraged to participate across a range of activities. Groups take part in their activities in blocked groups i.e. games unit, fitness unit or alternative sports unit. In each of these units, students will participate in a different sport each week, this is to keep students engaged and continue to provide a range of activities. The curriculum is varied, new and different activities are added continually to enthuse students and encourage a high level of participation as a performer, coach or official. 

Students receive five lessons a fortnight – 2 practical and 3 theory. Groups are usually around 20-25 in number and are mixed ability and mixed gender. Practical lessons are delivered in blocks of 6-8 weeks focusing on Badminton, Basketball, Hockey, Athletics, Netball and perhaps other sports the group or teacher believe to be appropriate. Students excelling in a sport not covered in PE lessons can usually use that sport as part of their assessment for their final PE grade.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map

Summary Curriculum Plans

Key Stage 5


In PE we aim to support physical, mental & social well-being as well as encourage healthy, active lifestyles whilst promoting lifelong participation in exercise through physical literacy. We aim to:

  • educate against sedentary lifestyles
  • encourage the recommended hours of exercise per week
  • inspire a love and enjoyment of physical activity

Examination PE
To provide students with the practical, theoretical and vocational knowledge of the ever-changing world of the sporting society and physical activity, develop appropriate skills and attributes to go out into the sporting industries to be successful employees and leaders whilst promoting physical, social & mental well-being and lifelong participation.

AQA A-Level PE
Students receive 9 hour-long lessons per fortnight. These lessons are mostly taught in the Sixth Form Centre. The lessons are split between three members of the PE staff, all responsible for certain sections of the course. The course comprises of 70% exam which is over two papers and 30% NEA which is written analysis and evaluation and one practical performance.

BTEC Level 3 Sport & Exercise Science 
Students completing the Sports and Exercise Diploma in Sport will receive 18 lessons per fortnight taught by two members of staff. They will complete three externally assessed exam units (all in Year 12) and 5 internally assessed coursework units that make up a wide range of sporting aspects.

Students who are completing the single BTEC Sport Option (Certificate in Sport) will have 9 hour-long lessons over the fortnight, completing two exam units in Year 12 and two coursework units in Year 13.

Exams are sat in January and May of Year 12.

Summary Curriculum Plans

Homework Intent

In Physical Education, the purpose of homework is to develop physical competency. We recommend attending co-curricular clubs as often as possible to develop this. For exam-based groups, we set homework to consolidate learning that has happened in the classroom.


It is our intent that pupils with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) follow the same curriculum, learn alongside their peers and achieve similar outcomes. 

In addition, they may benefit from additional opportunities in the lessons and in the co-curricular activities that are arranged especially for them.

SEND Implementation and Impact

Pupil Premium Intent


Reading Aims:

  • To ensure students are equipped to understand command words in questions.
  • To ensure students are equipped with a range of independent reading strategies to aid comprehension when reading and answering exam questions.
  • To support students in understanding new or complex vocabulary that they encounter in their reading.
  • To support students with reading out loud and therefore pronunciation.
  • To encourage students to read for pleasure outside of the lessons.
  • To encourage the reading of non-fiction sporting texts in and out of lessons at Examination PE to develop subject-specific literacy.

Literacy Strategies


The department runs an extensive co-curricular programme with clubs and activities at both lunchtimes and after school. Please visit our Co-curricular page to find out more. The timetable comes out at the start of each term and will be posted in every form room, in the PE department and will be emailed home to all parents. Clubs are open to anyone in the specified year group and students do not need to be invited to sign up. Schools teams are generally selected from the students who commit to the after-school practices and teams are generally run in all of the following (seasonal) sports:

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

As part of the PE department we offer numerous day trips to sporting venues or centres of excellence as well as the yearly Ski Trip and bi-annual Sports Tour.

At Edgbarrow we promote a fully inclusive co-curricular programme and this also applies to fixtures, competitions and tournaments. We do not have an elitist approach. We recognise hard work and attendance to clubs and this is what we look for when selecting our teams. We do not hold trials for teams, we just have regular training sessions during our co-curricular hours. If a child is absent from these as we know there are other commitments they will not forfeit a place in the team. For home matches we try to include as many students as possible, for away fixtures we are limited to the capacity of the mini-bus.

Fixture and club cancellation policy
We try to avoid cancelling clubs and fixtures but sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances that can result in a co-curricular club or fixture being cancelled such as weather/conditions, opposition or staff absence. Students and parents will be informed as early as possible and will be encouraged to contact home – please follow our Social Media pages for updates.

Image of Barcelona Sports Tour 2023Barcelona Sports Tour 2023 

Images of Ski Trip, Switzerland 2023Ski Trip, Switzerland 2023 




Please visit our Galleries page to view more photos from our Barcelona Sports Tour and recent ski trip. 

Independent Study

In PE we promote using time to be physically active and develop sporting ability for mental, physical and social well-being. Students should continue to be physically active to promote their physical, mental and social well-being. Our GCSE students should be practicing and playing in their sports that they will be assessed in for the exams.

Key Stage 4

Select to view current revision material.

Key Stage 5

A-Level PE Reading List & Further Research

For further information regarding our PE Curriculum please contact:
Mr Johnson (Head of Department)