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Edgbarrow School

Absence Reporting

Good attendance and punctuality are important for achieving success at school and are also important life skills.

Attendance is important and is closely linked to attainment. Students who are not in school are not learning and could potentially be allowing their grades to suffer. Unless a student is genuinely ill, they should be in school and working hard to achieve their best, no matter what year group they are in. Ensuring regular attendance at school is a legal responsibility for parents/carers.

It is expected that pupils will arrive at school and lessons on time. Pupils should be at school for 8.40am, ready for the first bell at 8.45am. The school site is open from 8.00am in the morning. 

Absence Reporting

In routine matters of absence, we would be grateful if parents would contact the school before 8.30am on EACH DAY of absence if a pupil is going to be away.  If your child has a medical appointment that interrupts their school day, please ensure that we are made aware of this also.

The school has a dedicated telephone line and email address specifically for absence reporting. Please note that the telephone number is only able to take messages and you will not be able to speak to a member of staff.

The telephone number is:- 01344 467 675, alternatively, email absence@edgbarrowschool.co.uk

If we do not have a reason for a pupil’s absence, under our First Day Response system, contact will be made with home.


If a child becomes ill whilst at school, he/she will be looked after until such time as the child is able to return home. The school does have fully qualified First Aiders who can provide medical assistance where necessary. Contact will also be made with the parents as rapidly as possible. In an emergency, an ambulance may be called to take the child to the hospital, but treatment cannot usually begin until a parent gives consent. We respectfully ask that if your child has a minor ailment (e.g., cold or cough) that they attempt a day in school. Our First Aid team will make contact with you to arrange for you to collect your child if they feel that he/she is not well enough to be in school. Alternatively, quiet spaces can be provided for your child to work in.


Is my child too ill for school? It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school, nursery or playgroup when they're unwell.  Select the link for guidance from the NHS.

Leave of Absence Request

Permission will not be given for family holidays during term time. Any request for Leave of Absence should be made using the Leave of Absence Request Form below, which is also available from Reception. Any absence during term time has a detrimental effect on learning and social interactions. Students with poor attendance may be invited to an Attendance Action Plan meeting or be required to provide medical evidence for any absence or appointment, in consultation with the Education Welfare Service.

Leave of Absence Request Form

It is extremely important that emergency contact numbers are kept up to date. Please inform us immediately if personal details change.

Members of the Attendance Action Alliance have worked with the Department for Education to develop this short guide which helps parents understand how they can work with their school and local authority to support their children to attend school and get the right support