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Edgbarrow School

Parent Apps

Class Charts for Parents

Class Charts logoOur school has set up the Class Charts system, to enable parents/carers to keep track of:

  • your child’s behaviour
  • their weekly timetable
  • assigned homework tasks
  • announcements
  • your child's achievements
  • scheduled detentions.

If you have more than one child, you can access Class Charts information about your children from a single, centralised parent account. Class Charts for parents can be accessed via the website www.classcharts.com, or through the iOS and Android apps which are free to download.

You will be given a parent code to set up your Class Charts parent account. There are guides available below, but should you need any further assistance please contact us. Your child will have be given a code to access their account and will be supported in using this system in school. It is an excellent system to keep you informed and we ask that you check it as regularly as possible, ideally each school day.

Class Charts is an online system which teachers use to track achievement and behaviour throughout the school day. We believe in working closely with parents and one of the key benefits of using Class Charts is that we are able to securely share your child(s) achievement and behaviour report with you and so keep you up to date in real-time.  

Guidance for Registering

You can access the parent website and links to the parent apps here: PARENT LOGIN.

SIMS Parent App

The SIMS Parent App and website will allow you to monitor your child’s progress in school. You will have immediate access to your child’s Attendance Records and Grade Reports. The app allows you to access our student data system from a smartphone, tablet or PC – anytime, anywhere. You can even use your preferred social media login to access the app. If you have more than one child at Edgbarrow School, you’ll have access to information for all your children, from the same app.

(Please remember that if the account you have linked with SIMS Parent is ever compromised, to ensure the safety of your data you must take action to secure your account by following the advice and instructions of your account provider. Additionally, password resets for these accounts will have to be dealt with directly by the account provider.) 

What will you find in SIMS Parent: 

  • Important information such as attendance, timetables, and grade reports
  • School term, inset dates and contact details
  • Access to update your contact details, so we always have the most up-to-date information in case of emergency.

Below you will find details on how to register for the app.

Getting started with SIMS Parent App

1. You should have received an activation email, simply click on the link from your tablet, PC or smartphone to activate your account. If you need a new activation email please email help@edgbarrowschool.co.uk.SIMS parent registration

2. Select Register with an External Account

3. You can then log in using your normal Facebook, Twitter, Google or Microsoft username and password (single sign-on method) or enter your email and password details.

4. Enter your child's birth date in this exact format: dd/mm/yyyy

5. From your smartphone or tablet, download the app from the Google Play or Apple App store - search for SIMS Parent.

6. From a PC or Windows phone, login online at www.sims-parent.co.uk.

How to Log In to the App

  • Open the SIMS Parent App
  • Select the icon you registered with (single-sign-on method) - do not select the SIMS icon.
    If you do not sign in automatically, enter your login details linked to the icon you registered with.
  • Deleting the app and uploading it again may also solve login issues.
  • If you continue to experience any issues, refer to the or email: help@edgbarrowschool.co.uk.

Please note that your activation email is unique to you and should not be used by anyone else. Your activation email will expire after 90 days if it is not used, please email help@edgbarrowschool.co.uk if you require a replacement after this date. 

SIMS Parent Privacy Notice

Using social media logins to link to your child/children's personal data
The security of all personal data is of the utmost importance to the school. The SIMs Parent Portal only shares elements of the user’s credentials but no more. User’s login details are checked with the third party to ensure the credentials are correct before they are allowed access. There is no direct link into your child’s data from the user account.The SIMs Parent Portal does not link to the account you choose (eg: Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.) and no data is shared between them except the email address, name and a unique identifier which is simply used to verify the user logging on to the Parent Portal is who they say they are. All school contact will still come to the address that the school holds as your primary email address, no contact will come from the Parent Portal to the account you select to initiate your account.