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Edgbarrow School

Art & Photography


Art and Photography is a practical subject which encourages students to learn about themselves and the world around them. Students learn about the visual qualities of different materials and how to manipulate them to create personal and engaging outcomes. In Year 7 and 8, we teach students how to use a variety of medias and the different qualities materials process, this enables students to experiment and find ways of working that suit their artistic style. When students reach Year 9 they are able to personalise their projects further with a focus on how to structure their project and explore their own ideas. At Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students are given the option to choose Art or Photography. There is an emphasis on the vocational nature of the subject, encouraging students to express themselves using a variety of media. Students develop their practical abilities whilst also developing their thinking skills and ability to respond analytically to aesthetics.

View artwork from our previous Art and Photography exhibition

Key Staff

Mrs Owens - Head of Department
Mr Fayers - Teacher of Art
Mrs Roylance - Teacher of Art
Mrs Giles - Teacher of Art and Photography
Mrs Jackson - Photography and Art Technician

Key Stage 3

Curriculum Intent

In this ever-increasing visual world, it is important for everyone to learn how to communicate their ideas effectively. We aim to develop creative learners, who are confident in expressing themselves independently to develop personalised responses using visual media.  

Students in Years 7 and 8 are introduced to a range of skills and media, allowing them to use art as a creative outlet. They work through six projects that have varying themes as starting points; ‘Colour’, ‘Tone’, ‘Ceramics’, ‘Printmaking’, ‘Graphics’ and ‘3-Dimensional’.

Projects in Year 9 become more self-directed with students being encouraged to respond to a theme in individual ways so that they can develop their own ideas and respond to the starting points to create personalise responses. 

Summary Curriculum Plans

Assessment Bands
Students will follow national guidelines throughout Key Stage 3 to support and prepare them for their Key Stage 4 courses. The school operates a banding system of 1-9 (9 being the highest band). Students will be given a target based on their Key Stage 2 scores and baseline assessments on arrival at Edgbarrow. The band they are awarded at the end of the Key Stage is intended to be indicative of the grade they may achieve at GCSE. 

FOR YEAR 7 & 8 ONLY: We have recently changed the way in which we track progress in Key Stage 3. The new format is currently in operation with Year 7 and 8 only. In each individual subject, students are given one of three progress bands: foundation, intermediate and higher. These bands are based on Key Stage 2 scores, as well as evidence gathered by class teachers. Throughout Key Stage 3, students will be judged to be meeting, exceeding or below expectations for their given band. The headline criteria for each of these bands can be found below, as well as a short presentation explaining the new assessment and reporting format.Key Stage 3 Assessment Video 

Years 7 & 8 Assessment Bands

Key Stage 4

Curriculum Intent

In this ever-increasing visual world, it is important for everyone to consolidate how to communicate their ideas effectively. We aim to develop creative learners, who are confident in expressing themselves independently to develop personalised responses using visual media. 

We offer GCSE Fine Art and GCSE Photography. At GCSE level, students develop a more sophisticated approach to their artwork. The focus is on building a successful portfolio of work which demonstrates their strongest abilities.

In Year 10 and 11 students develop their skills in drawing as well as a wide range of different techniques. Students work on two controlled assessment projects to build a portfolio of work that forms 60% of their final GCSE grade. Following their coursework students are given a selection of starting points as part of their examination project. Through this, they demonstrate recording skills as well as an ability to develop their own ideas and experiment with a range of materials, this project forms 40% of their final GCSE grade.

Key Stage 4 Art Curriculum Map

Key Stage 4 Photography Curriculum Map

Skills Learnt - Year 10/11 Art

Skills Learnt - Year 10/11 Photography

Summary Curriculum Plans

Key Stage 5

Curriculum Intent

 In this ever-increasing visual world, it is important for everyone to consolidate how to communicate their ideas effectively. We aim to develop creative individuals, who are confident in expressing themselves independently. Students will be inspired by contemporary and historical practitioners to develop personalised responses using visual media. 

We offer A-Level Fine Art and A-Level Photography. At A-Level, students are able to work in painting and drawing, sculpture and ceramics, printmaking, digital and video art and mixed media. Students are required to submit a coursework portfolio containing a personal investigation and complete an examination project.

Key Stage 5 Art Curriculum Map

Key Stage 5 Photography Curriculum Map

Skills Learnt - Year 12/13 Art

Skills Learnt - Year 12/13 Photography

Summary Curriculum Plans

Homework Intent

To reinforce and embed knowledge surrounding the skills learnt in lessons for independent learning through research tasks.


It is our intent that pupils with special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) follow the same curriculum, learn alongside their peers and achieve similar outcomes.

In addition, they may benefit from additional opportunities in the lessons and in the co-curricular activities that are arranged especially for them.

SEND Implementation and Impact

Pupil Premium Intent


Reading Aims:

  • To ensure students are equipped to understand key words.
  • To ensure students are able to use key words when analysing the work of others.
  • To ensure students are able to use key words when reflecting on their work.
  • To support students in understanding complex subject specific vocabulary.

Writing Aims:

  • To ensure students are equipped with strategies to support their practical work with written annotations. 
  • To ensure students are equipped with a range of frameworks to help them analyse the work of others, and evaluate their own work.
  • To equip students with strategies to reflect on and redraft their writing (A-Level Essay).
  • To explicitly teach spelling, punctuation and grammar to enable students to write fluently.
  • To support students in writing cohesively, with particular emphasis on their creative intentions and the use of technical terminology to explain their artistic processes.

Spoken Language Aims:

  • To ensure students are equipped to use a range of vocabulary as well as subject specific vocabulary in their spoken language.
  • To ensure students are equipped with the skills to structure a spoken presentation.
  • To support students to use spoken Standard English.
  • To teach students how to listen and respond formally.
  • To provide students with opportunities for structured talk. 

Literacy Strategies


After-school Clubs

We offer a range of different clubs across all Key Stages to support and enrich our Art and Photography students at Edgbarrow School. This is a really important part of our subject, enhancing students' creative experience and nurturing their skills for Art and Photography. One of the highlights of the year for the Art and Photography Department is our annual exhibition. GCSE and A-Level students will have their work exhibited for friends and family to view. This is an event that staff and students really look forward to as it is an opportunity for students to show off all of their hard work.

In Year 12 and 13, both Art and Photography students are given the opportunity to partake in a trip to London to visit and explore galleries. Students will gather research to contextualise their project and record from first hand observations to inform their A-level project and add to their portfolio. Additionally, there will be a residential trip abroad so that students can explore Art and Photography from different cultures, this trip is dependent on student interest. On top of the trips offered, students will also benefit from workshops held by visiting artists and practitioners. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to ask questions but also to get an insight into the creative industries.

GCSE: Year 10 students in both Art and Photography are given the opportunity to partake in a trip to gather research and record from first hand observations to inform their GCSE project and add to their portfolio. 

Windsor Trip Yr 10

London Trip

China Town - London

Independent Study

When studying Art and Photography, students are able to personalise their project and develop their own ideas. If they wish to push their portfolio further, students can choose to do extra work for their projects. This could be through researching extra artists relevant to their project theme, alternatively they could create extra photoshoots and sketches that link to their project starting point. The above will allow students to add further work to their portfolio and help them communicate their ideas.

Art & Photography Independent Study

For further information regarding our Art & Photography Curriculum please contact:
Mrs Owens (Head of Department)